Flora & Fauna

The Creation – Motives for all eternity!


Portraits are for me one of the most beautiful expressions of photography.


“If someone goes on a journey, he can talk about.” … I feel the same.


Artists on stage are full of intensity, and it excites me to capture this.

Kiel vectorized

An attempt to change photos to vector graphics. The effect is very picturesque and the images are arbitrarily scalable. Moreover, the problem of recognizable persons disappears… 😉

Tarifa 05/2005

Related article on das-maga-zin.com: Tarifa – Die Südspitze Europas

Costa de la Luz 05/2005

Playa de Valdevaqueros, Baelo Claudia, Parque natural de La Breña y Marismas del Barbate and Cabo Trafalgar